Why Home Birth?
/Home Birth
Home birth is becoming an increasingly acceptable, alternative birth option for low-risk , healthy women.
There are many credible, published research studies and valid statistical data that support home birth as a safe alternative to hospital birth for low risk, healthy women.
Lower Risks
Risks for episiotomies, epidural use, instrumental/cesarean birth and fetal/ maternal morbidities and mortalities significantly are lower than hospital births.
Why Women Choose Home Birth
Women choose home birth because the home is viewed as a safe haven in which confidence flourishes and anxiety abates.
Relaxing Environment
The home offers a more relaxing environment as there is no added pressure from hospital systems or routine procedures as in the hospital. Laboring women also have the freedom to eat, drink and move around during labor without asking permission.
Anxiety and fear are lessened at home, which decreases adrenaline and allows the body to work optimally and facilitate a safe and satisfying birth experience.