What is a Water Birth?


Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub of warm water.

The theory at the center of water birth is that since the baby has already been in the amniotic fluid sac for 40 weeks, birthing in a similar environment is gentler for the baby and less stressful for the mother.

Warm water also promotes relaxation of the muscle which may decrease the pain sensation for the mother.

Many women find the warm water soothing and labor in the birthing pool/tub but then later decide they want to deliver outside of the tub.

What are the qualifications for birthing in water?

  • You must be at least 37 weeks

  • Amniotic fluid must be clear

  • Baby must be head down

  • No significant risk factors can exist - no hypertension (high blood pressure), gestational diabetes, etc.


What is a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM)?


A Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) is a Registered Nurse who has graduated with a master's degree, from a nurse-midwifery educational program accredited by the Accredited Commission Midwifery Education.

CNM Credentialing

A CNM has passed a national certification exam to receive professional designation of Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). After passing a national exam, she is then certified by the American Midwifery Certification Board.

A CNM is also licensed by the State Board of Nursing to perform all duties of a CNM within the scope of the state's laws.

Ongoing educational maintenance activities are required to renew certification credentialing.

Where do CNMs Practice?

Most CNMs practice in hospitals. However, some CNMs attend home births to provide quality, safe childbirth services for women who desire more natural birtbeneh experiences, without unnecessary interventions.

Midwives are specialists in normal pregnancy and birth.

Home birth is becoming a more acceptable option for low risk women, especially when attended by CNMs.

What are the benefits of hiring a CNM for a home birth?

Some benefits of hiring a CNM for your home birth include:

  • Having a knowledgeable healthcare professional with strong assessment and childbirth skills

  • A CNM has attended many hospital births and has experience in managing common obstetrical complications

  • CNMs support normal physiologic birth.

  • CNMs have technical skills such as collecting blood samples and other lab work, administering medications and starting intravenous lines (IV) if needed for hydration or medication administration, fetal heart monitoring experience to assure well being of fetus during labor and identifying abnormalities.

  • Nurse Midwives are certified in neonatal resuscitation program (NRP) and Basic CPR.

  • Home birth can also be a more affordable option, as many insurance plans cover maternity/childbirth services under the care of a nurse-midwife.

Williams Baker Testimonial


November 2018, I found out I was expecting.

It was definitely an unplanned, emotional pregnancy. My family and I were going through turmoil, and in less than a month I would be losing my job. So I was definitely stressed out and I even began to see early signs of depression on top of the emotional roller coaster of being pregnant.

When I informed my coworkers that I was pregnant, I received nothing but support from the beautiful
Queens I worked with, including Kay. The 1st thing she asked me was if I would be doing a home birth, and
of course I replied yes. I asked her if she would do the honors of being my home birth midwife.

I couldn't have asked a better person. I had seen Kay in action in the delivery room helping moms
along their journey to birth. Her empathy, compassion, knowledge, and mothering spirit grabbed my
attention. I always wanted to be in the room when it was time for her to deliver a baby just so I could
watch her in action. I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to go on this final journey of
birth with other than Kay.

Along this journey I wanted to establish care at an OBGYN, just in case, and the care I received was
so biased.

Because of my age, previous 2 c-sections, and history of preeclampsia, I was leading up
towards c-section number 3. It seemed like the odds were against me. I was automatically
scheduled for a c-section at 39 weeks. And that was from OBGYN #2.

Even the Perinatologist encouraged c-section even though all reports were normal. But I was determined to prove otherwise, I refused to be another statistic. I did a lot of lab work to rule out everything. I
changed my diet and even started walking and taking natural supplements. Even with
all of that being done, I was still told that due to my previous pregnancies I was still subject to a
c-section. I couldn't even do a trial of labor.

To ease my spirit, Kay came with me to my prenatal visits, explained certain tests, and kept me informed of the risks and benefits of having a repeat c-section vs. VBAC. She was very thorough and sincere. She was honest about my odds and gave me hope. I'm a straight forward person and she didn't sugar coat
anything for me.

Kay always kept in touch with me on a weekly basis and kept me encouraged. As the pregnancy progressed, Kay became even more engaged and started doing her own prenatal visits and making sure I had everything I needed. From supplements and prenatal massages, to mental support, prenatal exercises, and her uplifting words of encouragement.

July, the month I was due approached and my prodromal labor began. Every night I swore I was in labor
but once the morning came everything seemed to cease. My contractions were all over the
place, but mainly in my back.

I started to become overwhelmed.

I was super fatigued from lack of sleep. I was walking an average of 3 miles a day. Pretty much over working my body to prepare for birth, but all along I was tightening my ligaments. Not a good thing if you want baby to
drop down. If I was tight then how could my body relax and prepare for baby to get in the right
position? Kay took me to get a prenatal massage to try to loosen me up and get the baby in the
right position. It made a world of difference. She gave me strict instructions to relax more, get
some rest, use my prenatal ball and do a technique call "around the world." Well needless to say
I felt my body become more relaxed and I felt my baby move into the right position.

Two (2) days after my due date and my water broke at 3:06 pm. The waves increased and Kay
encouraged me to push through. She told me how great I was doing. She rubbed my back during
the waves, she helped me stay focus on my breathing. She helped me in the right positions for
birth. She coached me as though she were my mother. Her words were soothing and sounded
like life to me during the waves. I was holding and trying to fight birth and she helped me to give
in. Five (5) hours later I pushed out a beautiful prince 9lbs 8 oz.

My birth team was awesome. Kay my Midwife was phenomenal. I couldn't have asked for a better
Birth Guide. She knew exactly what to do and when to do it. She involved my family and
embraced them as though they were her own. She never left a question unanswered. She
put me at ease. Her spirit was maternal and familiar. I loved her presence. She helped me bring
in life. She allowed my King to bring our prince on this side of earth.

It was an honor to have Kay on this birth journey!!! I can't thank the Creator enough for allowing me to cross paths with Kay. This birth story felt out of this world, an out of body experience. I was in shock after the birth. When others retell me of the birthing experience from their perspective I am still in awe.

Gifted Hands Midwifery bought new meaning to birth. You have to be God made specifically to bring in a blessing of peace. It was so peaceful and beautiful.

Thank you Kay, words can't explain how grateful my family and I are for you. Thank
you Queen....Love, peace, prosperity to you.

Always Grateful,

The Williams Baker Family

Medical Supplies Gifted Hand Midwifery Will Have on Hand


Certified Nurse Midwives are able to prescribe medications, treatments, medical devices, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. As such, they are also able to utilize certain medical equipment.

Gifted Hands Midwifery will have the following medical supplies on hand:

  • Oxygen (O2) with Bag and Mask

  • Anti-hemorrhagic Agents

  • Hand Held Doppler

  • Urinary Catheters

  • Suturing Materials

  • Local Anesthetics

  • DeLee Catheter

  • IV Fluids for Dehydration Purposes

  • Antibiotics for GBS Prophylaxis

  • Instruments to Assess Vital Signs

Why Home Birth?

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Home Birth

Home birth is becoming an increasingly acceptable, alternative birth option for low-risk , healthy women.

There are many credible, published research studies and valid statistical data that support home birth as a safe alternative to hospital birth for low risk, healthy women.

Lower Risks

Risks for episiotomies, epidural use, instrumental/cesarean birth and fetal/ maternal morbidities and mortalities significantly are lower than hospital births.

Why Women Choose Home Birth

Women choose home birth because the home is viewed as a safe haven in which confidence flourishes and anxiety abates.

Relaxing Environment

The home offers a more relaxing environment as there is no added pressure from hospital systems or routine procedures as in the hospital. Laboring women also have the freedom to eat, drink and move around during labor without asking permission.

Anxiety and fear are lessened at home, which decreases adrenaline and allows the body to work optimally and facilitate a safe and satisfying birth experience.

Does Gifted Hands Midwifery Accept Insurance?

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Currently, Gifted Hands Midwifery is not accepting insurance. However, there are several affordable self pay options available.

Midwifery home birth care is significantly cheaper than hospital birth care.

Depending on your health insurance coverage, you may qualify for reimbursement after your home birth.

Gifted Hands Midwifery will provide an itemized bill and form that you can submit to your insurance company at completion of your pregnancy and birth.

We CANNOT guarantee that any insurance will cover/reimburse you for our midwifery/homebirth services.